The stomach flu.
This is the 3rd day of preschool Anberlin has missed. I feel really bad, like she's falling behind. But it's far behind could she fall? Hopefully not far.
Just when I think the kids are on the mend (and have gone 8+ hours without spewing), someone gets sick. Again.
So that's what I've been dealing with since Saturday afternoon.
I will be teaching workshops in the Netherlands next month, which is totally and completely exciting. I'll be teaching at the ScrapbookMate warehouse for an openhouse event for retailers. Then I will be teaching at the Scrap-A-Ganza event in Harlaam in November. Karen Burniston, Michelle Van Etten, Cheryl Mezzetti, and Lida de Witte are some of the instructors. Then there will be a handful of the Daily Inspirations dt teaching as well...Moniek, Lucy, Natalie, Emma...I can't wait to show you some sneaks on the classes I will be teaching! I also have some super cute make and takes in store for those attending!
I still have not finished editing all of my pics from when MJ was here. Shame on me, I know. I must have ADD b/c I find it hard to stay on task. I'm always jumping from one thing to the next. Anberlin started school last week, so I'm slowly adjusting to the new sleep schedule.
Some sad news for my Lola (grandmother) in the Philippines passed away. My mom left to go home on Sunday to visit her remaining family and to lay my Lola to rest.
So in lieu of not having enough hours in the day, this is going to be a scrapbook related update. Here are all of my latest works:
Catching up on Project Catwalk...I'm still in the top 25 as of last week. Once week 11 starts, everyone starts back at zero and the competition is going to be harsh! lol.
Week 6: The Old Man at the Zoo. An important lesson about living each day to it's fullest and loving those around you with all your heart. It's german custom to wear the deceased spouse's ring on the pinky finger next to the wedding band. An old man approached us at the zoo and talked about his wife dying...truly a memorable moment.

-A rainbow to remind you that after every storm there is a calm and a star to remind you to shine!
-An eraser to remind yourself that everyoe makes mistakes. That's ok; we learn by our errors.
-Clothespins to help you "hang in there."
-Candles for those days wen you feel you need to light a fire under you students.
-Tea bags to remind you to take time to relax daily.
-A gift to remind you that your students are a gift to you and you are a gift to them.
-A puzzle piece to remind you that without you, things would not be complete.
-Animal cookies for when your classroom seems like a zoo.
-Smiley faces to remind you to wear a happy face.
-Rubber gloves for when you need a helping hand. Weihnachten in Deutschland (Christmas in Germany). Made this a collage layout b/c I'm behind on my scrapping! All the photos are from December 07. I really like this idea. I think I may try to do a scrapbook with layouts like this, for each month.
SAY IT IN SCRAP: I am the guest designer over at the challenge blog, Say It In Scrap. MJ took these photos while she was here. Aren't the kids getting big?!! BTW- look at Anberlin's bangs in the photo. Now remember it.... (will come back to this in a minute).
SCRAPMOJO: Here are some of the latest challenges:
Anberlin was slowly introduced into her school days. First her teacher came to the house to meet her. Then she went on Wednesday for a full day, but with only 6 other students. Then on Friday with everyone, but it was a half day. Then Monday was her first full day with everyone. And she hasn't been back since. :( But I think tomorrow she will be back. She seems alot better, but better safe than sorry.
And no, she has no seperation anxiety from me. In fact, when the teacher tells the parents it's time to go, Anberlin is the first to say, "ok, mom/dad. go home now."

- Contractions started on Monday. By that night, I was hurting.
- Tuesday at 4 am, decide to go to the hospital.
- Nurse asks, "are you in labor?" to which I reply in a strained voice "YEEESSSS."
- Josh says, "you are??" (yeah ladies, I still don't know why he thought we were there if I wasn't in labor).
- After an hour they sent me home since I needed to be 2 more centimeters dialated to be admitted.
- On the way home, car starts overheating (radiator had a crack? I don't remember).
- Went to our army base to get coolant or something, but it was still early and the stores didn't open until 9 am. So we sat in the parking lot, waiting.
- Still having contractions.
- Had to use the restroom, so begged an commissary employee to unlock the doors and let me in.
- Finally got the coolant and went home.
- 11:45 am, water broke. Freaked Josh out.
- Get to the hospital (yeah, car still had steam coming out), but no parking. Found a spot ON THE ROOF.
- luckily there was a wheelchair.
- Checked in. Got into bed, but water still leaking...made a nurse slip in it (ew.).
- Didn't get an epideral until a few hours later. I was screaming, cursing, I made Josh leave with Anberlin (we didn't know anyone in Georgia who could watch her for us).
- Finally started pushing at 10 pm. At 1 am, I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't sleep Monday night, or energy. C-SECTION TIME!
He doesn't look like a newborn, does he?
I didn't make him a cake, but made special cookies for him instead. :) I don't think he minded. My parents gave him a new train set, a Lightning McQueen bed set, a Thomas video game, and some other things. Our main gift to him was a new scooter (Anberlin got one too). Photos of that later.
Me: ANBERLIN!!! Why did you do that??!
Her: "But Mommy. My hair is just TOO long!"
Well, at least she still looks cute. My Dad bought her a Cinderella dress which she absolutely adores. We did a little photoshoot on her new princess sheets (from my parents again).
And I'll leave you with my new fave photo. This was taken in the residenz in Bamberg.
Next update will be photos from my birthday. :)